Purpose driven coaching for
ambitious aspirations

Find your magic so you can create the career you deserve

  • Your life and work feels ‘stuck’

  • You’re feeling low on confidence and undervalued

  • You’re burned out and unclear on what it takes to get to the next level

  • You’ve spent a lot of time in the same role and you’re looking for something different

  • You want to feel challenged and motivated by work

  • You want to use your strengths and passions to have a positive impact on the world but you’re not sure where to start

Does this resonate?

It doesn’t have to be this way.

I have been exactly where you are and it doesn’t need to be this way.

Imagine having a personalized career plan in place, accompanied by actionable steps that lead you to achieving your goals.

It’s time to hire an experienced career coach who has navigated similar career transitions. Someone who will support and advocate for you, and who can empower you with the skills and tools you need to become empowered, centered, and clear on your next career steps.

Meet your coach

Hi, I’m Tres! I am a creative catalyst who coaches people to discover and live the best versions of themselves.

My style is collaborative, strategic, and directly tied to peoples’ vision, culture and goals. I create an atmosphere of compassionate support that encourages vulnerability, growth and learning.

Earlier in my career, I held leadership roles in manufacturing for the apparel and home industries but I knew I wanted to try something different.

Thanks in large part to the experienced coaches and mentors who helped along the way, I realized I was more passionate about developing people than products.

And I am here to show you that you can change your future too.

If you’re ready to find your confidence and magic at work, let’s work together and empower you to get clear on what’s next.

“Tres is a great listener and her objective and imaginative feedback helped me think about my challenges in a different way, turning them into opportunities.”

Margaret Kranyak, Senior Vice President, Marsh

“Tres is the perfect combination of compassionate support and contagious, positive energy that propels you into action.”

Kasia Wood, Career Navigator & Coach

Tres is an amazing coach mentor that can connect on both the professional and personal level.  Her ability to connect these two levels gives me the confidence to truly explore ambition through my self-discovery. 
Tres helps me rediscover my ambition, while defining my goals.

Jackie, Director, Fortune 500 Company

Tres helped me prioritize my goals and helped me achieve 2 critical goals I had for myself: improve as a people manager and get a promotion! 

Monica, Sr. Manager, SF technology company

How we will work together

Book a call

Book a personalized discovery call and let’s start talking about your career goals.

Reflect & Take Action

Take a deeper dive into what makes you unique using the enneagram. We’ll use these insights to develop your personalized career success plan.

Grow & Thrive

Unlock your joy, purpose, and personal power at work.

What to expect when working with me


I'm known for my creative approach to finding solutions, whether that’s creating engaging activities and unique perspectives for accomplishing your goals.

Unlimited positive energy

I believe we are all capable of great things and once we are aligned with what we value, the possibilities are limitless.


Like curious explorers, together, we will find and embrace your strengths so that you can take clear action.

Get things done

Once you have a clear path, we will quickly identify the actions needed to make great progress.

Unwavering, personalized support

I believe in you and we will partner closely to find your unique magic.

Create the career you deserve